Woodward’s Middle School recently implemented a new administrative structure with several new faces in new roles. We asked the team about their roles and how they collaborate to make the Middle School a great place to learn and grow.
Veronica Cato & Chris Hardin
Middle School Deans of Students
How would you briefly define your role?
Cato: As the Deans of Students, our role is to support the development of the "whole student" by fostering a positive school culture rooted in ethical decision-making, social-emotional growth, and restorative discipline. By implementing restorative discipline practices, we focus on repairing relationships and promoting understanding. Our role also includes creating opportunities for students to take on leadership roles–including House Leaders–to contribute to the school community, reinforcing their sense of belonging and importance.
How do you interact with other members of the leadership team?
Hardin: Veronica and I coordinate closely with each other and support Middle School Principal Jessica Parsons as we work with the entire leadership team to establish a culture of inclusivity and community.
How do you interact with students?
Cato: We prioritize building genuine connections with students by being present and approachable in their daily school lives. We strive to understand each student’s unique needs, always making ourselves available to listen to their concerns and celebrate their successes. Through meaningful conversations and personalized guidance, we help students navigate challenges and grow, whether by offering advice, providing a listening ear, or empowering them to find their voice.
How do you interact with faculty?
Hardin: We work with the faculty and staff to ensure our Middle School students are excited about learning while feeling safe at the same time. We act as a resource for faculty, helping them implement strategies that foster student well-being, resilience, and academic success.
Charell Coleman & Debra Smith
Executive Functioning Coordinators
How would you briefly define your role?
Coleman: We are Executive Functioning Specialists. We assist our Middle School students and teachers with strategies and skills like planning, staying organized, managing time, emotional regulation, and persevering through adolescent challenges. We collaborate with advisors, administrators, counselors, and teachers to create personalized strategies that work for each student. Our goal is to help kids thrive academically and feel more confident as they meet their goals.
How do you interact with other members of the leadership team?
Smith: We discuss student needs and strategically plan how to assist them with a planned approach from the perspective of seeing the whole child.
How do you interact with students?
Coleman: We meet with students individually and in small groups to personalize strategies to fit their needs. Teachers and students can schedule a time with us as they notice a need in one of the areas in which we offer services. We also check in on Middle School students during their class times to see how they are utilizing the structured plans we recommend.
How do you interact with faculty?
Smith: We collaborate with department chairs to support, plan, and provide resources. Teachers can access a running document to recommend students using classroom observations. We also provide teachers with in-class strategies. It's all about teamwork; that's how the magic happens in our Middle School!
Bill McGarrah
Operations Advisor / Coordinator
How would you briefly define your role?
The Operations Coordinator is responsible for implementing safety and security procedures, assisting with supervision oversight, and enhancing the facilities of the Middle School.
How do you interact with other members of the leadership team?
As Operations Coordinator I update the Admin team on current safety procedures and issues. Along with that I serve as the Middle School point of communication for Facilities. I have also been asked by Principal Parsons to help the Admin team with problem-solving and adaptation to address the daily challenges in the Middle School.
How do you interact with students?
My interactions with students will mainly focus around safety: weather alerts, security alerts, and supervisory roles are where students will see me.
How do you interact with faculty?
Obviously, my first priority is to ensure our faculty feels comfortable with our safety procedures and their role in them. I am also tasked with serving our faculty’s operational needs. All of this is done with the mindset to support our students and teachers to have the best possible Woodward Academy educational experience.
- administration
- middle school